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Open Science Data Cloud PIRE

Providing training in data intensive computing using the Open Science Data Cloud.

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DAY 1 (Mon, 16-Jun 2014)

Session 1: Welcome & Introduction
Chair: Paola Grosso & Cees De Laat

Session 2: OSDC PIRE participant self-introduction session
Chair: Heidi Alvarez, FIU
Participants in the workshop, including organizers and speakers, will introduce themselves and provide a record about themselves for consultation during and after the workshop.

Session 3: Enabling data-intensive discovery with the Open Science Data Cloud
Chair: Maria Patterson, UChicago

DAY 2 (Tues, 17-Jun 2014)

Session 4: Applications & Infrastructure 10-20 Minute Talks
Chair: Robert Grossman, UChicago

Session 5a: Amsterdam Big Data Research
Chair: Paola Grosso & Cees de Laat, U of Amsterdam

Session 5b: Using ENVRI
Chair: Massimo Argenti, ESA

DAY 3 (Wed, 18-Jun 2014)

Session 6: The research challenge/bazaar
Chair: Cees de Laat/Paola Grosso

DAY 4 (Thurs, 19-Jun 2014)

Session 7: Tools for Development and Support of Large-Scale Data-Intensive Applications

Session 8: PIRE partners contributions
Chair: Paola Grosso

Session 9: Parallel Sessions on Project Development

Session 9A: Project Development in AIST
Chair: Isao Kojima

  • Orientation to research at AIST.
  • Extended lunch with informal discussions

Session 9B: Project Development in Sao Paolo
Chairs: Fernando Redigolo

  • Extended lunch with informal discussions

Session 9C: Project Development in Edinburgh
Chairs: Paul Martin

  • Extended lunch with informal discussions

Session 9D: Project Development in Amsterdam
Chairs: Paola Grosso

  • Introduction to the projects in Amsterdam:
    • Ana Oprescu on OSDC to OSDC
    • Zhiming Zhao on OSDC to SDN
    • Miroslav Zivkovic on OSDC and Big Data issues

DAY 5 (Fri, 20-Jun 2014)

Session 10: Challenge presentations and prizes
Chair: Cees de Laat/Paola Grosso

  • A student from each group will present their work and the judges will decide on the winner.

Challenge results

Team Title Score Rank
Race Clark, Chris Natoli, Jill Hardy, William Matthews Using OSDC to Advance Public Understanding of Temperature Extremes (slides) (paper) (github) 32 2
Nelson Auner, Cody Buntain Mayfly - Rapid, Accessible, Reproducible Research (slides) (paper) (github) 38 1
Alexander Moreno, Keval Shah, Yuan Zhao Automatic Variable Detection and Formatting for Cross-disciplinary Data Set Compatibility (slides) (paper) (github) 32 2
Nathiel Butler, Michael Lewis, Weiwei Zhang Tourist Buddy (slides) (paper) 34 2
Eric Griffis, Josh Eisenberg Client-side plug-ins for Tukey (slides) (paper) 31 3

Session 11: What have we learn & where next?
Chair: Heidi Alvarez, Bob Grossman, Paola Grosso & Cees De Laat

  • What have we understood this week about data and how to make the best use of the big data in a scientific context?
  • What do we need to do & understand to make data-use easy and effective?
  • How should we do that?
  • Wrap-up & valediction